Fees and Online Booking

Physiotherapy Initial Assessment £65.00
Physiotherapy Follow Up Appointment £52.00
Footscan Assessment £65.00
Worcester Park Cricket Club Members

£55 initial assessment / £44 follow up appointment

Cheam Hockey Club Members

£55 initial assessment / £44 follow up appointment


Cancellation/non-attendance fee £52


When booking online and your treatment is covered by Medical Insurance, you can ignore the request to pay £65 at the initial appointment - this applies to self-pay patients only



Treatment is for people over the age of 16 years - if the patient is under 16 years then I advise you to seek treatment with a paediatric Physiotherapist

If you have any questions about the fees, or wish to discuss your needs prior to making an appointment, please call Chris on

07799 516521 or 020 36246230, or email info@manordrivephysio.com.


The clinic is registered with the following insurance companies:


MasterCard Visa American Express Advance payment Cash on delivery
MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Advance Payment, Cash
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