As with any clinic, you will have to register by providing details such as your name, address, date of birth, contact telephone number/s, and payment details.
Some Questions about You
This is followed by a discussion about the reason you have sought treatment, during which you will be asked a number of questions about your main symptoms. You will also be asked about your medical history, and, if your presentation indicates, a number of specific questions to rule out the likelihood of any serious medical conditions. PLEASE NOTE: audio recordings are used for note-taking purposes.
Main Goal of Treatment
Before the next stage of the assessment you will asked to identify what is your main goal of treatment, This is very important, as it guides the direction of the treatment plan. Give this some thought before attending the first appointment.
Once we have identified the aims of treatment, the next stage of the assessment will begin. This is the moving, bending, reaching part of the assessment, and, yes - can be uncomfortable! Please dress appropriately for the area to be assessed and treated. It's not possible to assess an area you cannot see!
Photography and Audio Recordings
Photographs and video may be used during assessment, to capture relevant measurable data, and to provide a comparison with future treatments.Audio recordings are used to ensure accurate note-taking.
Footscan Assessment
You may be asked to perform certain activities on the Footscan - as for photography/video this is to capture relevant measurable data for comparison with future treatments.
The key aim of the assessment is to answer a number of important questions, such as:
By answering these and other questions we will be in a position to manage and treat the cause of your symptoms.